Elumen App Support

Elumen app in phone render

What is the Elumen App?

The Elumen app is a companion app for configuring Elumen lights and devices.

Key Functions

Nearby Devices

The “Nearby devices” screen is the default screen that you'll land on. Here, you can scan for nearby Elumen devices using Bluetooth. The devices will be listed in order of signal strength. The strongest signal strength will be at the top.

Scan for Devices

To scan for devices, press one finger to the middle of the screen and drag downwards, until the spinning loading icon appears.

Remember to scan again every time you move locations! Each time you scan, it only scans for 3 seconds to conserve battery life, so the results will be outdated if you move somewhere else.

If you are unable to scan for devices, please see the Troubleshooting section below.

Identify a Device

Once you've scanned for devices, you can “identify” a device, which will make it flash its LEDs. This will allow you to confirm exactly which physical device corresponds to the entry on your phone.

For best results, stand directly under the light you're interested in so that it has the highest chance of appearing first in your list. Then, press the “IDENTIFY” button to make it flash.

Settings Templates

Settings template is a predefined set of values that can be applied to a given light without having to manually configure each configuration separately.

Creating Settings Templates

Create a new settings template from scratch:

  1. Go to menu, then click “Settings Template”.
  2. Click on “add settings template”.
  3. Give your settings template a name and fill out the values*.

Create a settings template from a configured device:

  1. Find the device in nearby devices and click on “settings”.
  2. Click on “save as template”.
  3. Give your settings template a name and fill out the remaining empty values*.

* note that devices that do not have a configurable setting in the settings template will ignore that particular setting. For example, emergency lights cannot have colour temperature adjusted and will ignore the colour temperature set in the settings template.

Applying Setting Templates

Apply settings template in device settings:

  1. Find the device in nearby devices and click on “settings”.
  2. Click on “apply template”.
  3. Choose the applicable template that you want to apply.

Quickly apply the most recent settings template:

  1. Click on the device in “nearby devices”.
  2. Click on “apply recent settings template”. This should also show the template name of the most recent template that is to be applied.